What to Expect When you Pick up Your Order from Our Shop
It’s Ready!
Yay! Your custom furniture is finally ready. And you’re able to drive to our shop and meet us in person.
If you’re within driving distance from our shop in Bryan, Texas, you are more than welcome to come to pick up your furniture to save on shipping costs.
Trucks or Trailers are Best
It’s important to make sure your kennel will fit into your vehicle; for this reason, we feel pick-up trucks are best. A large SUV or Minivan will hold up to our Medium Double Dog Kennel. Many customers have found that renting a 5x8 Uhaul trailer to be an inexpensive option for transporting their furniture if their vehicle won’t hold it.
Wrap it and Secure it
You should bring: moving blankets, and rope or ratchet straps to secure your furniture for transport. We will be available to help load and secure your furniture. We take the first step and wrap all our pieces in moving plastic before you get here.
You’re on Your Way
Now that it’s safely loaded and secured you’re ready to be on your way. Drive safe and thank you for choosing us to build a truly custom piece of furniture for your home.
PS Don’t Forget to Send us Pictures
Duane was kind enough to send us pictures of his dog kennel and sideboard we made for his family.